
21 November 2023

Geert Bourgeois, head of the European Parliament N-VA group, condemns the recent Verhofstadt report that implies an institutional “Big Bang”. In it, Guy Verhofstadt (Open Vld party) and several other MEPs propose to reform the Lisbon Treaty. “This is a centrist liberal, green and leftist pamphlet; …

17 November 2023

“We are celebrating a silver anniversary in Brussels: a liberal has been responsible for the Brussels budget for 25 years. The track record is downright pathetic,” Brussels N-VA group chair Cieltje Van Achter complains. Cieltje is referring in particular to the current Budget Minister, Sven Gatz …

15 November 2023

Johan Van Overtveldt is the most influential of all 705 MEPs this year. This is revealed in the EU Influence Index published annually. According to the international communications agency BCW, which publishes the index, as chairman of the EU Budget Committee, Johan was able to weigh in on various …

14 November 2023

Belgium just cannot manage to take a supported position on new European budget rules. Our country risks being left empty-handed during our European presidency, writes Flemish Budget Minister Matthias Diependaele in the newspaper De Tijd ( “A new low in federal diplomacy.” A discussion …

13 November 2023

On 11 November 2023, Assita Kanko was named the Atheist of the Year by the Dutch Freethinkers Association The Free Thought (Vrijdenkersvereniging De Vrije Gedachte). Kanko was praised for her unbridled commitment to reduce suffering in the world and to enhance or uphold individual freedom. “Anyone …

9 November 2023

Secretary of State de Moor’s “return” bill was debated in the Parliamentary Committee on the Interior. MP Theo Francken fiercely criticised the draft. “Nothing is coming of the promised tightening measures by the De Croo government after the attack a few weeks ago. What’s more, the bill is full of …