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Not more Europe, but a better Europe

The N-VA presented its European programme for the upcoming elections at a press conference. “The European Union must focus on its core tasks: a resolute choice for more prosperity and growth, a fiscal path without debt and additional taxes, and the protection of its citizens and our values and freedoms,” said European party leader Johan Van Overtveldt. “Europe may not become a superstate. We don’t want more Europe, but a better Europe.”
The European Union must urgently focus on its core tasks instead of losing itself in unattainable and unaffordable objectives and a paralysing passion for regulation. In doing so, the choice to create and protect our prosperity must be made decisively, without additional European taxes or a “Belgium XL”.
Pact for prosperity
The N-VA wants Europe to conclude a “pact for prosperity” as soon as the next term of office starts. “The Union must protect our prosperity, jobs and strategic interests,” says Johan Van Overtveldt, who was flanked by fellow MEPs Assita Kanko and Geert Bourgeois as well as European candidate Kris Van Dijck.
No paper tiger
In turbulent geopolitical times, a “paper tiger” makes little impression. The European Union must take its geopolitical role seriously, protect and expand our prosperity and safeguard the Competitiveness The extent to which companies in one country can compete with similar companies in another country. A law came into force in Belgium in 1996 to monitor competitiveness. This stipulates that Belgian salaries may not evolve faster than the average of those in the three neighbouring countries. The Central Economic Council (CEC) performs an annual measurement to see if the objectives have been obtained. competitiveness of our companies.
A real external borders policy
It is also high time for a real external borders policy, which, through diplomacy, defence and a reformed development policy, ensures a safe and resilient Europe with a buffer zone at the external borders.
Not more Europe, but a better Europe
The N-VA also wants to put an end to the European Union’s creeping expansion of powers. There must be more respect for the principle of Subsidiarity A principle that states that the lowest possible level at which a government is (still) effective is the most appropriate level from which to govern. It is for this reason that only the powers that a lower authority cannot exercise or cannot exercise well are allocated to a centralised or higher authority, and vice versa. The idea behind this is that political decisions are best made and executed as closely to the citizens as possible. subsidiarity : what the federal states can do themselves must not be imposed by Europe.
“The answer is not always ‘more Europe’. We want a better Europe,” say Johan, Assita, Geert and Kris.
1. Resolute choice for prosperity and growth
- The European Commission must propose an “EU Pact for Prosperity” as soon as possible. That Pact must ensure a revival of European industry and manufacturing.
- In doing so, more attention must be paid to SMEs and to doing away with the regulatory burden.
- The internal market must be expanded to areas such as digitalisation, capital, transport, energy and the defence industry, with better market rules.
- We will roll back the relaxation of state aid rules.
- At the same time, we will protect our market against external threats (unfair competition, dumping, lower quality).
- We will stimulate innovation and remove related administrative barriers.
- We will reduce the regulatory and reporting burden for our entrepreneurs.
- We want fair and rules-based global trade, with more trade and investment agreements.
- The Union must protect our prosperity, jobs and strategic interests without becoming protectionist, with its own production capacity for essential strategic goods and bringing essential high-end manufacturing and research and development back to Europe. We also want to explore sources of critical raw materials in Europe, while at the same time being fully committed to the circular manufacturing industry and recycling. Within that framework, we are also fully committed to resilience, our strategic sectors and safeguarding our (knowledge) economy in Flanders.
2. A future-oriented budget without new debts and taxes.
- We advocate a reform of the EU budget, with a shift from agricultural and cohesion policy to innovation, digitalisation, cross-border infrastructure, migration management and security/defence and a Common Agricultural Policy.
- We oppose European taxes or debt, a European transfer union and a “Belgium XL” at the EU level.
- We want to preserve in full the Member States’ right of veto on fiscal matters. Financing the EU budget through a fixed GNI contribution is the most equitable and transparent way.
- Fraud with EU funds must be tackled decisively.
3. Protecting European citizens and their values and freedoms.
- We are committed to our fundamental values and freedoms and will protect them effectively. Our European way of life, identity, democracy, rule of law, norms and values deserve active protection against social and economic trends that undermine them.
- In addition to our NATO commitment and for challenges of a specifically European nature, we advocate a European Security Council.
- Complementary to NATO, we are accelerating the development of the European defence industry and cooperation.
- In the coming years, we will focus primarily on the external border policy and on creating a secure and resilient Europe with a buffer zone at its external borders.
- We are calling for a reform of the decision-making process regarding European foreign policy, with a qualified majority for implementing decisions and sanctions.
4. Unity in diversity. No European superstate.
- We demand greater respect for the EU’s cultural and linguistic diversity.
- Decision-making must take place as close to citizens as possible (subsidiarity).
- We are calling for an end to the EU’s creeping expansion of powers.
- The impact of European legislation on Flanders must be more closely monitored and analysed.
- We will strengthen the European Parliament’s control over the European Commission. We do not want a Convention.
- The Flemish vote must carry more weight in the European Council.
- We will stop the expensive and polluting monthly move of the European Parliament to Strasbourg. The European Parliament has its only seat in Brussels.
- We are opposed to a European constituency.