Johan Van Overtveldt

Delegation Chairman in the European Parliament

Johan Van Overtveldt joined the N-VA at the end of 2013, working as an economic adviser for the party. He drew the European list in the May 2014 elections and immediately won a seat in the European Parliament. That same year, he became a federal minister after helping to bring the negotiations for the Michel Government to a good conclusion.

Media and management
Before he made the move towards active politics, Johan was already providing critical commentary from the sidelines on socio-economic developments in Belgium and abroad. In 1978, he started working as a journalist for the financial-economic weekly publication “Trends”. When he later returned to the editorial board, he would take on the role of chief economist and editor-in-chief.

Johan alternated his career in journalism with management roles in the business community. He acquired practical experience in diverse sectors, in family-run businesses as well as multinationals.

Johan Van Overtveldt is a doctor in Applied Economic Sciences. He also obtained an MBA from the KU Leuven. Since 2012, he has been teaching Macro-economics part-time at Hasselt University.