
9 November 2023

“We are shocked by Fouad Ahidar’s statements in which he called Hamas’ massacre of civilians a ‘small reaction’ and said that ‘the Israelis reap what they sow’. We believe that Mr Ahidar can no longer represent our Flemish community in Brussels as president of the Council and are asking for his …

9 November 2023

The latest poll commissioned by the Nuclear Forum once again makes it clear how citizens see this country’s energy future. For example, 85% want to retain nuclear power in the electricity mix of the future, 87% of the population wants to see more investments in Small Modular Reactors and 80% want …

8 November 2023

Flemish farmers urgently need more market power. That is the conclusion of the plan by MEPs Geert Bourgeois and Johan Van Overtveldt and Flemish MP Sofie Joosen. They are calling for farmers to have the ability to form associations in product organisations so that they can negotiate a better price …

30 October 2023

“For Flemish prosperity.” That is the key message with which the N-VA will go to voters in June. As from the autumn holidays, hundreds of local N-VA branches will put up signs and banners to reinforce that message. “After three years of French-speaking left-wing De Croo government policies that …

23 October 2023

Late last year, it was decided to continue and adapt the Canal Plan to tackle extremism, terrorism and radicalisation in view of the escalating drug violence in Brussels. The intention was to strengthen Brussels' federal judicial police force with 88 additional officers by the end of the …

23 October 2023

In the past two weeks, the Jewish community has recorded at least 182 incidents of an anti-Semitic nature, according to figures from Shmira, the voluntary organisation that monitors security in the Jewish community. That is ten times more than normal and is probably just the tip of the iceberg, as …