
15 May 2024

The N-VA presented its European programme for the upcoming elections at a press conference. “The European Union must focus on its core tasks: a resolute choice for more prosperity and growth, a fiscal path without debt and additional taxes, and the protection of its citizens and our values and …

15 May 2024

The answer to a question from Brussels MP Mathias Vanden Borre shows that in 2023-2024, only six social lease agreements were terminated due to ownership of a (foreign) property.  “In his response, State Secretary Ben Hamou (PS party) confirmed that there is no real screening for owning foreign …

30 April 2024

The final report of the Toekomsten van Brussel (Futures of Brussels) was presented in the Brussels Parliament. This is the name of the long-announced States General during which institutional questions about the organisation of the municipalities, Public Social Welfare Centres (OCMWs), police zones …

28 April 2024

In a bustling Capitole in Ghent, the N-VA entered the final straight towards the elections on 9 June. The party presented its election programme there. According to N-VA national Chairman Bart De Wever, it is a programme that offers the much-needed formulations to structurally protect our Flemish …

26 April 2024

The N-VA group in the European Parliament, through its delegation head Geert Bourgeois, opposes the setting up of an “interinstitutional ethics body” for EU institutions. “It is unacceptable for members of the executive branch to oversee the legislative branch.” Under the proposal, the European …

26 April 2024

During the last plenary session of this administrative period, the European Parliament adopted Assita Kanko’s report on the collection of passenger data by airlines. This data will soon be automatically registered during check-in on one central European router. “Through this law, terrorists will no …