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EU-UK data exchange after Brexit: the left leaves businesses in the lurch, the N-VA comes up with a viable alternative
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As shadow rapporteur of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE), MEP Assita Kanko is calling on her colleagues not to support the present Adequacy Decision, which regulates the exchange of personal data between the EU and the United Kingdom. Instead, Assita Kanko proposes an alternative. “Parliament must not be emotional because of the separation from the British. As regards the exchange of personal data, the United Kingdom is safe.”
On Thursday 20 May, the European Parliament will debate and vote in plenary on the Adequacy Decision, proposed by the European Commission, to ensure the smooth and secure exchange of personal data between the European Union and the United Kingdom. The left and liberal groups in the LIBE Committee support a very negative resolution over this agreement. If the European Commission recognises the UK’s privacy protection as equivalent to that of the EU, then personal data can be exchanged without administrative and legal red tape. This is essential to ensure a smooth flow of business between the EU Member States and the UK.
Smooth data transfer is crucial for Flemish prosperity
Assita Kanko is calling on MEPs to support an alternative resolution by the ECR The N-VA is a member of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), a conservative, eurorealistic parliamentary group in the European Parliament. The N-VA shares their realistic view of the European project and also advocates for the correct and intensive application of the subsidiarity principle. For example, we must not be afraid to ask ourselves if it would be better to leave certain European initiatives to the Member States. The N-VA also identifies with the emphases that the ECR places on the social-economic issues. Since the 2014 elections, the ECR has become the third largest parliamentary group in the European Parliament. ECR and PPE, which she co-wrote. According to Assita Kanko, the alternative resolution provides a fairer and more objective view of the agreement. “A bitter attitude towards the UK no longer makes sense; we cannot abandon our citizens and companies. There is too much at stake to just fight with our ex without the prospect of a future. Smooth data transfer is the lifeline for the modern data economy and therefore for prosperity in Flanders. Companies from all Member States are counting on the EU to facilitate a smooth exchange of data with the UK.”
Hypothetical situations and unreasonable demands
The heavy criticism of the LIBE Committee came despite a thorough review of the privacy legislation currently in force in the UK by the European Commission, which concluded that it was equivalent to the European legislation in this area. “The Adequacy Decision with the UK contains suspensive conditions, remediation mechanisms and automatically expires after four years unless a new decision is taken so that possible future UK deficiencies can be addressed immediately. The criticism of the left and liberal parties in LIBE is so full of hypothetical situations and unreasonable demands that it sometimes seems as if the whole thing has been built out of resentment because of Brexit. Apparently, not everyone is capable of dealing with an ex-partner in the appropriate manner.”
Alliance of like-minded countries
Assita Kanko emphasises that Europe must put the interests of citizens and businesses first. “They want certainty and not legal chaos. The UK was a member of the EU for 40 years and co-authored the European privacy legislation. The EU has Adequacy Decisions with countries such as Uruguay, Israel, Switzerland and Japan and many others. This concerns an alliance of like-minded countries, which is important for the future. Surely we are not going to alienate democratic supporters and one of our most important allies?”
Don’t get emotional over Brexit
Without the European Commission’s Adequacy Decision, trading and doing business with the UK will become administratively difficult, expensive and even completely impossible for some companies, Assita Kanko warns. “SMEs risk paying the price. Parliament must not be emotional because of the divorce with the British, but must be pragmatic. Even with an ex, we have to get along. As regards the exchange of personal data, the United Kingdom is safe.”