Assita Kanko wants equality and safety for LGBTQIA+ people across Europe

11 March 2021

The European Parliament is voting on a resolution today to declare the entire territory of the European Union an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone. “I support this initiative with all my heart,” MEP Assita Kanko says. “The N-VA delegation will vote in favour of this resolution because we believe that LGBTQIA+ rights are human rights.”

“Above all, we need concrete action on the ground in EU Member States,” said Assita Kanko, a member of the European Parliament’s Justice and Human Rights Committee. “This resolution makes that clear. It remains important that politicians throughout the EU express their solidarity with LGBTQIA+ people.”

Gay people face violence daily

The European Parliament had already voted in favour of such a resolution two years ago. It takes into account the state of LGBTQIA+ rights in different countries. There is progress in many, but also deterioration in some. The subject is thus still high on the agenda.

The gruesome murder of David Polfliet triggered a stream of testimonies about daily verbal and physical violence that gay people face in public spaces. This brought to light the reality of homophobic violence, gay bashing and aggression against LGBTQIA+ people; serious problems that are still often treated too lightly or not seriously enough in Belgium.

Resolutions alone will not improve the situation

There is still a lot of room for improvement, MEP Assita Kanko says. “We are going to vote very proudly for the #LGBTIQFreedomZone resolution, but resolutions alone will not improve the situation. We all bear responsibility as individuals to ensure that people can love whoever they want.”

Need for action on the ground

“In terms of legislation, a lot has already happened, and it can be even better, but the biggest problem is that putting it into practice is lagging behind,” Assita Kanko continues. “We need action on the ground. We need to train our police officers better to deal with hate crimes appropriately and empathetically. We need to do a better job of informing our young people in schools. Codes of conduct must be explained in the workplace. We must provide much more support to civil society organisations with expertise and experience. And finally, citizens must ensure that LGBTQIA+ discrimination cannot happen in their own circles.”

The N-VA leaves no room for doubt in this regard. We are committed to LGBTQIA+ rights and behave according to its principles: that is why N-VA MEPs support this resolution with conviction.

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