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Assita Kanko to lead new European Intergroup on Policing

MEP Assita Kanko has spearheaded the creation of a new Intergroup on Policing, marking a historic first for the European Union. “Our proposal has been approved. The European Parliament is taking a stand on policing. Our police officers now have a voice in Europe,” said Kanko, who will chair the Intergroup.
Over the past two years, N-VA MEP Assita Kanko ( ECR The N-VA is a member of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), a conservative, eurorealistic parliamentary group in the European Parliament. The N-VA shares their realistic view of the European project and also advocates for the correct and intensive application of the subsidiarity principle. For example, we must not be afraid to ask ourselves if it would be better to leave certain European initiatives to the Member States. The N-VA also identifies with the emphases that the ECR places on the social-economic issues. Since the 2014 elections, the ECR has become the third largest parliamentary group in the European Parliament. ECR ) collaborated with Lena Dupont (EPP, CDU), Jeroen Lenaers (EPP, CDA), and Malik Azmani (Renew, VVD) to organize meetings in the European Parliament with representatives of police organizations from across Europe. These discussions focused on violence against police officers, advocating for greater attention to their struggles and for European-level research into the challenges they face.
What are intergroups?
The network formed through these meetings has now been formalized as an Intergroup following approval by the Conference of Presidents. Intergroups, or cross-party working groups, are platforms where MEPs from different political groups collaborate to address specific issues of shared interest.
“This is a significant step toward strengthening policing in Europe and confronting growing threats to our security and democracy head-on. It’s time to recognize the vital work of Europe’s police forces. Criminal networks can no longer be better organized than our law enforcement. This platform will enable us to discuss new legislative initiatives on policing and cross-border cooperation,” Kanko said enthusiastically.
A blow to the heart of democracy
Kanko is proud to have secured robust support from multiple political groups for the initiative. “Attacks on the police don’t just target individuals; they strike at the very core of our democracy. With this Intergroup, we acknowledge the critical role of our police in safeguarding peace, security, and the rule of law within the European Union. Police officers are facing increasingly complex challenges, from organized crime and terrorism to hybrid threats and violence against their own ranks.”
Strengthening Europol’s mandate
No society can thrive without respect for the rule of law. The new Intergroup aims to bolster Europol’s mandate and promote EU-wide research into violence against police officers. “Together, we are working toward greater trust, justice, and the protection of our freedoms,” Kanko concluded.