Assita Kanko on a peace and security mission in Iraq

23 May 2022
Assita Kanko

Together with seven other MEPs of the Foreign Affairs and Security and Defence Committees, MEP Assita Kanko landed in Baghdad last night. The delegation spoke with the EU mission staff, the EU ambassador and the NATO representative, as well as with the Iraqi Minister of the Interior and the new Prime Minister about the cooperation with Europe and the fight against Islamic terrorism, drugs and people smugglers. IS criminals and the situation in Syria were also discussed.

“This mission is in the context of peace and security and our relationship with Iraq. It is a difficult life for the people here, not only because of the unsafe situation, but also because of poverty and the frequent sandstorms that make it difficult to breathe outside. We were able to experience that ourselves.”

The situation remains unstable

“I am very concerned about the Kurds here, given the Iranian interference and IS feeling empowered after the fall of Kabul. The situation in this region remains unstable, which may also have consequences for Europe. We must therefore continue to monitor this closely. Iraq is strategically very important in the Middle East for our security in Europe.”


“The intention is therefore to observe the situation on the ground in the coming days, so that we in the European Parliament can be informed as we continue to work on this matter.”

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