Assita Kanko: “Every parliamentarian must be free to defend his or her position”

2 February 2023
Assita Kanko

On the sidelines of the vote to waive the parliamentary immunity of MEPs Tarabella and Cozzolino in connection with the Qatargate bribery scandal, the European Parliament will also rule on the immunity of French MEP Nadine Morano. She is being accused of defamation in her own country because she stated that rescuing illegal migrants in the Mediterranean Sea is equivalent to complicity in human trafficking. The N-VA’s view is that Morano must retain her immunity. “MEPs must be free to say what they think without fear of prosecution,” says MEP Assita Kanko.

“Parliamentarians are elected because of their positions. They must therefore be able to proclaim them in complete freedom, even if they are considered offensive by others,” Kanko says, indicating that the N-VA group in the European Parliament will vote to waive the immunity of the two MEPs involved in the Qatar bribery scandal. “That is a no-brainer. Self-enrichment and deception have no place in politics. Expressing opinions, on the other hand, is our core business, our duty even. That is why Morano must be and remain immune,” said Kanko.

Morano’s statements are legitimate

The complaint against Morano comes from the NGO SOS Méditerranée and concerns a statement by Morano in 2018 on France 3. Morano accused the NGO of complicity in human trafficking based on the sea rescue operations carried out by the Aquarius. Assita Kanko thinks Morano’s statements are 100% legitimate and hopes her immunity is preserved.

The integrity of political debate

“Parliamentary immunity ensures that MEPs can perform their duties in complete freedom. It ensures the integrity of political debate, in which every MEP must be free to defend his or her position. That is our core business, and that is exactly what Nadine Morano did.”

Freedom of speech is under threat

“Morano spoke out clearly on a European issue, namely, the tragedy of the many drowning deaths in the Mediterranean Sea. The statements she made about it are 100% legitimate. The charges compromise not only her freedom of speech, but also that of all other MEPs. We must be free to say what we think without fear of prosecution.”

Offensive opinions are also freedom of speech

“Parliamentarians are elected because of their positions. They must therefore be able to proclaim them in complete freedom, even if they are considered offensive by others. If parliamentary immunity does not apply in this case, when does it?”

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