A Brexit plan for Flanders

16 November 2018

“A no-deal Brexit endangers no fewer than 28,000 Flemish jobs.” Flemish Minister-President Geert Bourgeois is not leaving anything to chance: with the Brexit plan that he and Flemish Minister of Economy Philippe Muyters have drawn up, he is preparing Flemish companies for all possible scenarios, including the horror scenario of a no-deal Brexit. The Flemish Government approved the Brexit plan on Friday.

The action plan rests on four pillars:

  1. A Brexit Helpdesk
    To assist Flemish SMEs with no export experience, the Flemish Government is increasing the budget of Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT) by 1.9 million euros in order to support companies. The existing point of contact will be converted into a centralised Brexit Helpdesk. After that, there will be a Brexit Roadshow in Zeebrugge, which will focus on possible customs formalities.
  2. Pro-active determination of the Flemish position
    The government is extending the reinforcement of the Department of Foreign Affairs. Temporary experts in London and Brussels will assure a pro-active representation of interests and will provide close coordination with other levels of government during the Brexit negotiations.
  3. Compensation measures
    The government is requesting compensation measures in the drawing up of the new multi-annual budget of the EU. The current proposals of the European Commission are Brexit-blind. The Commission must create mechanisms to support affected regions and companies.
  4. A pro-active investment strategy for foreign investors
    However negative Brexit is, Flanders must keep an open eye for the investment opportunities that Brexit offers. As a fourth pillar of the Action Plan, the government is promoting Flanders as a hub and an investment location that holds many aces in Anglo-European trade. FIT is working on a marketing strategy for this purpose. We are also strengthening the workforce of FIT.

“Brexit will have consequences for Flemish exports, that much is certain. The United Kingdom is our fourth largest export market with an annual value of almost 28 billion euros. With the Brexit Action Plan, we want to help our Flemish companies prepare for this new situation,” Minister-President Geert Bourgeois concludes.

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