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Zuhal Demir in the clinch with Islam Party
Secretary of State for Equal Opportunities Zuhal Demir has succeeded in getting the Islam Party to show its true colours once again. During a TV debate in the current affairs programme “De Afspraak” on Tuesday, Redouane Ahrouch, the founder of the Islam Party, refused to look at Secretary of State Demir because she’s a woman. “I find that a little hypocritical of him. After all, he had been looking at photos on the internet. Apparently that’s not a problem,” Zuhal Demir responded.
Islamic liberation
A few weeks ago the same man and his party made the news after a similar incident on one of the French-speaking TV channels. On that occasion too, he refused to look at any of the women during a debate with among others Darya Safai. The Islam Party once again admitted during the broadcast with Zuhal Demir its wish to introduce sharia after “the Islamic liberation of the Belgian people”. Right, we’re all just longing for that... not.