N-VA wants to limit export of child benefits

20 February 2016

The agreement reached between the European Council and the United Kingdom contains a number of measures that also offer opportunities for other member states. Member States will for example be able to set stricter requirements for payment of benefits to children that do not live in the same country in which their parents work. A reduced amount in benefits is also made possible for children who live in a country with a cheaper standard of living.

Belgium can also immediately apply that measure to new applications. Moreover, from 2020 this will be possible for all existing child benefit payments. “We must employ all possible means to tackle Social security Social security is currently managed at the Federal level in Belgium. The most important pillars of Belgian social security are: sickness and invalidity insurance (NIDHI), pensions, unemployment insurance and child allowances. In addition, occupational illness, occupational accidents and annual holidays are dealt with at this level. Some Flemish parties have been campaigning for years for (large parts of) social security to be transferred to the Regions and Communities. social security migration. The purpose of free movement within Europe is to facilitate work across national borders, not to take advantage of the social security system,” Sander Loones, European Parliament member and Vice-Chairman of the N-VA states.

Separate social status

“We have been pleading for a separate social status for ages. This decision will edge Europe's foot a bit further off the brake. I see that Angela Merkel already wants to employ this in Germany. We must also apply the options that David Cameron has insisted upon as much as possible. The European Christian Democrats and Liberals have shown support for this agreement. I assume restricting such child benefits on a national level will also be possible,” according to Sander Loones.

More efficient EU

The N-VA is of the opinion that this agreement represents a great leap forward. Nonetheless, more reforms are still necessary. “In the past few days, bold statements from various government leaders caught my attention. If they think this agreement has put an end to the call for further reform in order to achieve a more efficient EU, they are mistaken. And if they think that a fully integrated European super state with the United Kingdom on the sidelines is the way out of the crisis, then they clearly disregard reality,” the Vice-Chairman of the N-VA concludes.

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