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European citizen demands change but gets more of the same
With the majority of votes in the European Parliament behind him the former Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Jean-Claude Juncker, can now officially call himself the President of the new European Commission. “A missed opportunity”, in the N-VA’s opinion, which would rather see the EU set off in a new direction. “The choice for Juncker shows little inspiration. We run the risk of getting more of the same.”
Despite the choice for Juncker, the N-VA is adopting a constructive attitude. "When the new president decides to focus on priorities such as completing the monetary union, deepening the internal market, creating an area of justice and security and increasing energy security, he will find an ally in us. We are also looking forward to the new team of Commissioners that Juncker will put together. Hopefully, as a whole, it can demonstrate a more modern leadership than its president, so that the EU can set off in a new direction", concludes Van Overtveldt.