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The N-VA demands the merger of the Brussels police zones. “Minister Verlinden doesn’t go far enough”
The Committee on Internal Affairs is discussing a bill by Minister Verlinden that gives the Brussels Minister-President and the governors the powers of the mayor and the police board in the event of exceptional, acute or unexpected security problems. MPs Koen Metsu and Sigrid Goethals are disappointed: “This bill is a half-hearted attempt to solve a Brussels problem. This will be made applicable to the entire country. We do not accept the extension to the governors. In our view, there are better solutions. The merger of the police zones in Brussels. We submitted an amendment to the bill to that end.”
Anyone who follows the news about Brussels can no longer ignore it: shootings, terror, drugs. The security problems are increasing rapidly. The mind-boggling highlight was that the drug mafia had taken over the Peterbos neighbourhood, including identity checks by dealers.
Looking away from a dramatic security situation
“The security situation in Brussels is dramatic,” MP Metsu continues. “Much worse is that those who are politically responsible are looking away. From the Brussels mayors to Minister of the Interior Verlinden. No structural steps have been taken during this legislature to make Brussels safer and to fight crime seriously here.”
Too little, too late!
Only this week, about 100 days before the elections, Verlinden presented a bill to theoretically do something about the security situation in Brussels. “Too little, too late,” Metsu concludes. “Aside from the fundamental legal criticism and practical objections, the law will only come into force through a Royal Decree. That in itself is an exceptional way of working. But Verlinden has already revealed that this will be a task for the next government.”
The merger of police zones is necessary
The only real solution for Brussels is the merger of the six police zones in Brussels. That has long been the preference of the Flemish parties. But the recent shootings also shattered that taboo on the French-speaking side. That is why Koen Metsu and Sigrid Goethals are submitting an amendment to the bill. “A merger is a political choice. It is time for politicians to make that choice. A merger offers several advantages: more efficiency, more specialisation, unity of leadership, solidarity between the poor and rich neighbourhoods of Brussels, greater innovative strength, etc. A merger of the six police zones in Brussels is a necessity for a true security policy for the capital.”