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Language problems in Brussels hospitals continue to drag on
The latest figures from the Vlaams Meldpunt Taalklachten (Flemish language complaints office) show that the number of reports of language complaints in Brussels hospitals has risen to a record high. Flemish MP Annabel Tavernier requested the figures and concluded that there is still a lot of work to be done, despite recent efforts such as establishing a working group. “It continues to be unacceptable that Flemish people in Brussels cannot be helped in their own language. That is not only a question of principle, but also a matter of life and death.”
The working group aims to better pool information about language complaints. “A noble initiative,” says Annabel Tavernier. “But I hope it doesn’t end there. Gathering information is not going to solve the problem. The Gemeenschappelijke Gemeenschapscommissie (Common Community Commission) is responsible for ensuring compliance with language legislation in Brussels hospitals. The Commission’s board members Alain Maron and Elke Van den Brandt must implement policy and enforce legal bilingualism.”