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Jan Jambon: “Flanders is getting ready for the sustainable reception of Ukrainians”
Flemish Minister-President Jan Jambon says in the De Ochtend radio show that Flanders is prepared to receive 60% of the Ukrainian refugees coming to Belgium. “Preparations for this have started. We are setting up a task force and providing support for the local authorities, which play a core role in that reception.” Jan Jambon says it is heartwarming that so many Flemish people are willing to offer help, but he still considers collective and sustainable reception the best solution. “That is also the government’s job.”
War refugees from Ukraine are absolutely welcome, says Jan Jambon. “Flanders will do its part and is prepared to receive 60% of the people arriving in Belgium. We have set up a task force to establish a link between the local governments and the federal level.”
Help refugees get a job
There is a lot involved. “In the first place, these people must be taken care of. We must look at housing, financial support, education, but also the possibility of work. That is why the VDAB The Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding (VDAB, Flemish Public Employment and Professional Training Service) is a Flemish public service that coordinates supply and demand in the employment market, with its main task consisting of serving as an intermediary for job seekers and providing them with support in getting back to work. Since the State reform in 1989, job placement has been a competence of the Regions and job training a competence of the Communities. The VDAB’s counterpart in Wallonia is Forem, and Actiris in Brussels. VDAB (Flemish Employment and Training Service) is also involved in this task force. There is a considerable shortage on the labour market, and perhaps we can help some refugees get a job,” Jan Jambon says.
Inventory of reception locations
The Minister-President is now asking all cities and municipalities to make their availability known. “There is no obligation to do so, but we want to compile an inventory of available reception locations as soon as possible. Vacant houses, residential care centres, holiday parks, you name it.” The Flemish Government is also providing financial support. “We are offering EUR 1,000 for each reception location.”
A big heart
Jan Jambon says it is “heartwarming” that so many Flemish people are willing to help. “It shows once again that Flemish people have a big heart.” However, he points out that this situation could drag on for a long time. “This could take months, maybe even a year. It is thus better for the government to take on the task of providing sustainable and collective reception in the first place.”