“I still haven’t forgotten the attacks in Zaventem.”

20 August 2021
Theo Francken

“Who decides which Afghans are allowed to come to Belgium? What are the criteria? And is security screening carried out?” On the TV programme Terzake, former Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration Theo Francken discussed the evacuation of nationals and Afghans from Afghanistan. He fears arbitrariness rather than a considered approach. “It’s just as possible that they are Afghan fighters, people with bad ideas. A security screening is essential.” MP Gilles Francken recommends focusing on nationals first.

No safe haven for international terrorism

Theo Francken warned of the possible consequences for the West now that the Taliban are in control of Afghanistan. “What we cannot tolerate is a new safe haven for international terrorism. We do not want large migration flows. and we do not want any more attacks. I still haven’t forgotten the attacks in Zaventem.”

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