The N-VA reacts vigorously to violence against police officers: “Completely unacceptable”

22 May 2020

“Violence against the police and emergency service personnel is completely unacceptable.” The N-VA was appalled at the video that the VSOA police labour union posted. It shows how officers were violently attacked during an arrest in Anderlecht. “Our utmost respect goes to the officers who have to work in these circumstances on a daily basis.”

In municipalities located along the canal in Brussels, such as Molenbeek and Anderlecht, things are getting progressively more difficult for the police. Even when an illegal Algerian knife fighter is arrested, the neighbourhood aggressively turns against the police. The police labour union is sounding the alarm, demands that the “pampering stops” and has even placed a video with the events online.

Respect for law enforcement officers

These are images the N-VA find appalling: “Our utmost respect goes to the officers who have to work in these circumstances on a daily basis and who can keep on going. Respect for law enforcement officers must be restored, and politicians must send the right signals.”

Zero tolerance for violence

“Not so long ago, we had a security minister in Jan Jambon who stood behind the police and introduced zero tolerance for violence against law enforcement officers and emergency service personnel. What a difference with the condoning tone and guilty negligence of Brussels politicians today,” the N-VA continues.

Bulwark against chaos and violence

The N-VA will put the abuses at the very top of the political agenda next week and will urgently demand hearings in the Federal Parliament with all parties involved. “The police are the last bulwark against chaos and violence in Brussels, and that bulwark is in danger of collapsing. That is why we, as politicians, must take responsibility and give our police the means and framework to take better action against this type of situation,” concludes the N-VA.

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