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Traditional European parties see the EU as a cash machine
“Traditional European parties treat the European Union like a cash machine.” MEP Sander Loones is adopting a critical attitude towards a number of European dossiers. “The question of whether money is spent efficiently does not appear to be their main concern. And they still do not realise that this undermines support for the EU.”
Expensive words
Sander Loones returns to the speech given by French president Emmanuel Macron in Strasbourg. “Macron thinks the Member States should send more money to the EU. But there’s no mention that these resources must be used in an efficient and suitable manner. As the French president, he was in an excellent position to set the right example by being critical of the European Parliament’s ridiculous monthly move to Strasbourg. A speech with little specific ambition, but full of, quite literally, expensive words.”
European elite barks, but does not bite
Just this week, the European Parliament is also voting about discharging the European budget. “And do you know what?”, Sander Loones comments. “According to the European Court of Auditors, in 2016 some 4.2 billion euros in EU subsidies were not allocated according to the rules. Yet despite this, it looks like the traditional groups in the European Parliament are just going to approve those accounts. So the European elite sometimes barks, but does not bite. And it is especially reluctant to bite its own hand.”
Stronger policies
Financing conditions for European political parties are also on the agenda. Sander Loones: “In 2019 the traditional parties want to spend an additional 17 million euros on themselves, the purpose being to campaign for the European elections. But there are alternatives. For example, not going for flashy election flyers, but in the end stronger policies that ensure a more secure Europe, curb migration and create a healthy job climate. Actually, I do not see why European money should be directed towards political parties while they are already supported by the individual Member States.”