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The N-VA proposes a ten-point return plan: “It is time for a tough return policy”
According to a rough estimate, there are 150,000 illegal asylum seekers in this country today, one of whom committed a cowardly attack on innocent civilians on Monday evening. It immediately put our failing return policy on the political agenda. Today, the N-VA is presenting its ten-point plan and calling for a tough return policy. MP Theo Francken does not spare Secretary of State de Moor: “Kindly asking rejected asylum seekers to leave voluntarily is hopelessly naive. The government must no longer ignore all those alarm signals and must finally opt for a policy with a heavy hand instead of velvet gloves.”
The return of illegal immigrants and aliens who have exhausted all legal remedies has been at a low level for several years. Last year, a total of 5,658 people returned to their country of origin or the country in Europe where they first applied for asylum. Of these, 2,673 did so voluntarily and only 2,918 through forced return. Another 1,752 people were forced back at our country’s borders. That makes a total of 7,410 people. In comparison, under former Secretary of State Theo Francken, 10,861 and 11,010 people returned in the years 2016 and 2017, respectively. The number of forced removals was also twice as high as they are now.
Positions or safety
“So the numbers don’t lie. And thinking that you can convince illegal aliens to return voluntarily with the help of coaches and return desks almost shows a lack of awareness of the world’s realities. Especially when they disappear from the radar so quickly,” says Francken. “The Secretary of State always shrugs her shoulders and then points to the European level. There is indeed still important work to be done there, but we all also know that, more than anything, she does not want to antagonise her red and green coalition partners with heavy-handed measures. The CD&V party must then choose between its nice positions and the safety of our society.”
Theo Francken is formal about De Croo’s sudden call for a stricter return policy: “He has been in charge for four years, so his words have lost all value to me.”
The following is the N-VA’s ten-point plan for a successful return policy.
- Prioritise the active detection and repatriation of criminals and radicalised aliens. Strengthen the judicial section of the Immigration Office.
- Lift the legal prohibition on detaining families with children.
- Introduce a legal basis for entry into residential premises.
- Evaluate the ICAM project.
- Introduce a “persona non grata” status and a return contract.
- Reduce and standardise appeal periods against deportation decisions.
- Extend confinement periods in detention centres to 18 months and maximise entry bans: legally bind the term to the maximum possible in accordance with EU guidelines.
- Implement Bossuyt Committee recommendations.
- Accelerate the detention centre master plan and maximise the occupancy rate.
- The Australian model. Stop illegal migration. Stop NGO migration. Readmission agreements with countries of origin and countries in North Africa.