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The De Croo government keeps fighting a losing battle: record budget for asylum reception
The budget for asylum reception is once again breaking all records. Compared to the initial 2022 budget, the federal asylum agency Fedasil will receive almost EUR 50 million more. It can no longer go on like this, says MP Theo Francken.
“Asylum reception facilities are completely full, hundreds of people are sleeping on the streets and the Belgian state has already been condemned thousands of times. Meanwhile, the De Croo government continues to fight a losing battle and Secretary of State Nicole de Moor still shows no courage to push for a more robust return policy, more dissuasion and a clear international signal that things cannot go on like this.
The Australian model is needed
The Australian asylum model is needed. Illegal migration to Europe must stop. Belgium must urgently shift to the strictest European regime of asylum reception, asylum procedure and family reunification.”