Social dumping: IT is also a risk sector

26 May 2016
Social dumping: IT is also a risk sector

An increasing number of Indian employees are finding their way to the Belgian labour market. That is demonstrated by figures collected by the N-VA. The vast majority are active in the IT sector. The question is whether they are recruited due to their special expertise, or due to social dumping. The N-VA is already asking the authorised secretary of state for additional targeted investigations.

The tremendous presence of so many Indian IT staff raises questions. Foreign employees can solve a shortage on our labour market or provide additional expertise. That is certainly a good thing. But we must not allow companies to engage in social dumping and thus compete our own employees out of the market.”

The N-VA confirms that the risk of social dumping is real in the IT sector. But questions about the number of breaches of social legislation by employees and self-employed people with Indian nationality currently remain unanswered. The current information system does not allow collection of those data.

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