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Record number of refugees caught as holidaymakers
“Going on holiday to your country of origin while being a recognised refugee? That’s asylum fraud.” Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration Theo Francken responds in no uncertain terms to the record number of holidaymakers with a status of recognised refugee who have been caught. In the first eight months of this year, no fewer than 153 refugees have been caught when attempting to go on holiday to their country of origin. Their status as refugee is being withdrawn. “What the police and the people on the ground have known for many years, but which was effectively permitted due to the authorities turning a blind eye to it, is now finally being punished,” says Theo Francken.
Reports from all over Europe
Every year, more recognised refugees are being caught as holidaymakers. In 2016, there were 56 persons, in 2017, 134 persons, and in 2018 as mentioned, 153 persons so far. “These record numbers beggar belief,” says Secretary of State Francken. The increase is a consequence of the bilateral agreements that the Secretary of State concluded with EU member states. “The agreements with the Netherlands and Germany are going very well. We are receiving reports from all over Europe, from the Finnish border with Russia to Italian and even Swiss airports. French airports have sent reports recently as well,” says Theo Francken.