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Obtaining nationality to become more expensive

The N-VA has prepared a bill that is to increase the cost of obtaining Belgian nationality. Civic integration Flanders has a policy for civic integration. This is a guided and targeted form of social integration for people of foreign origin. The intention is that the newcomers are provided with a valuable place in society by including them instead of excluding them. Civic integration, which includes language lessons and civic integration courses, was brought about by the participation of the N-VA in the Flemish Government since 2004 and the appointment of a Minister for Civic Integration. Civic integration is the main criterion for acquiring Belgian nationality. Newcomers must be able to speak our language and demonstrate that they are familiar with our rights and obligations. On top of this, a one time registration cost is requested. The N-VA currently seeks to raise this so-called entry cost to the European average.
Newcomers who wish to become Belgians can currently do so through two procedures: declaration of nationality and naturalisation. In both cases you pay a registration cost of 150 euros since 2013. In the years prior it was free of charge. At an average price of 499 euros, however, the average cost of a naturalisation procedure in Europe is a good bit higher. In order to harmonise with our neighbouring countries, the N-VA hopes to increase the current amount from 150 euros to 450 euros.
Nationality must be earned
Obtaining Belgian nationality must not be a foregone conclusion, especially given the benefits to newcomers, for example when it comes to Social security Social security is currently managed at the Federal level in Belgium. The most important pillars of Belgian social security are: sickness and invalidity insurance (NIDHI), pensions, unemployment insurance and child allowances. In addition, occupational illness, occupational accidents and annual holidays are dealt with at this level. Some Flemish parties have been campaigning for years for (large parts of) social security to be transferred to the Regions and Communities. social security . As a society, we are thus best advised to request something in return: a proof of integration, but also registration costs. There is currently not a single reason why it should be cheaper to become a Belgian compared to, for example, becoming a Dutch citizen.