No special visa conditions for Turkey

4 May 2016
No special visa conditions for Turkey

The European Commission has given the green light for allowing Turkish citizens to travel without a visa starting from June, even though a proposed report shows that Turkey does not meet all the customary conditions. “Incomprehensible,” in the opinion of European Parliament member Sander Loones. “The asylum agreement with Turkey states clearly that Turkey will not be awarded any special visa conditions. The Commission itself acknowledges that Turkey does not meet all 72 conditions, but wants to force this through now.” In addition, Turkey shows serious shortcomings. “Instead of shrinking back from Erdogan, the European Commission had better assertively point out his failing policy with regard to freedom of speech and the fight against corruption and terror. These are all conditions that must be met before there can even be talk of visa liberalisation,” according to Sander Loones.

Sander Loones is clearly dissatisfied with the Commission’s rushed approach. “Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has been stating boldly for weeks that visa liberalisation is impossible unless the customary standards are applied. Why is he changing his mind now? I assume the European Parliament will not fall prey to the same trap and refuse any debate about this as long as Turkey does not effectively meet all of the conditions.”

Stronger emergency brake needed

In addition, Sander Loones pleads for a stronger emergency brake: “The Belgian government said months ago that this was necessary, but nobody paid any attention then. Now, however, it seems people have warmed to it.” Germany and France are now more favourably disposed to the idea. And for the first time, the European Commission also stated that it is working on an extension of the procedure to suspend a visa exemption. In the future this will be quicker, founded on a broader range of reasons and possible in more situations. “Our proposal is thus accepted, and they have even added to it. Once again, the N-VA was the first to introduce stricter measures. The pushback policy that we proposed was mocked at first, but will now become standard practice. The same goes for setting maximum limits on the number of Syrian asylum seekers that can be provided shelter in the EU. This is another essential powerful emergency brake. If Turkey violates human rights, stops taking back illegal aliens or fails to fulfil its anti-terror obligations, visa-free travel will not be up for discussion.”

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