Newcomers statement stimulates and sanctions

31 March 2016
Newcomers statement stimulates and sanctions

From now on, every non-European wishing to stay in Belgium for more than three months will first have to sign a newcomers statement. By signing this, the newcomer not only indicates that s/he understands our rights, obligations and freedoms, but also that s/he accepts them and will respect them. In addition, s/he engages to integrate in our society socially, professionally and culturally. “Whoever doesn’t sign the statement, can’t come in,” State Secretary for Asylum and Migration Theo Francken categorically states.

“The newcomers statement is not limited to a one-time signature either; the engagement required will also actually be followed up,” Theo Francken clarifies. This monitoring is carried out by the Immigration Office based upon a list of specific criteria. “If a foreigner wishes to extend his/her temporary residence permit, s/he will have to prove that s/he has respected our norms and values and has fulfilled his/her obligation to integrate. That obligation also implies among others, the inclusion of learning the language of his/her place of residence and seeking employment. Should this person fail to accomplish this, our departments can decide not to extend his/her residence permit and request that s/he leave the country. Linking the residence permit to preparedness to integrate is simply revolutionary.”

Most significant impact on family reunion

Integration duty applies to the majority of non-European newcomers. The only ones it doesn’t apply to are EU citizens, students and asylum seekers, even though the latter will also be asked to sign the statement. However, the Geneva Convention doesn’t allow requiring this of them. “Everyone is always talking about asylum seekers,” Theo Francken remarks, “but ultimately family reunion is still our largest migration channel. Especially with a view to improving integration of this sizeable group of newcomers, this additional residence requirement is an important step forward.”

The statement is presented and, if necessary, read out in a language that the foreigner understands. Whoever refuses to sign the document after a reflection period of up to thirty days, will have his/her residence permit immediately declined. “The newcomers statement gives us a strong and indispensable tool for stimulating social integration and sanctioning a lack of engagement in that respect,” Theo Francken concludes.

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