N-VA wants internal European borders to be temporarily reinstated

27 April 2011

With the large influx of Tunisians in Italy, temporary border controls on the roads, in ports and on international trains would be useful. Europe should therefore be able to reintroduce controls along internal borders. The N-VA therefore believes a modification to the Schengen Agreement is necessary. The Treaty, which regulates free movement of persons between participating countries, allows countries to reintroduce temporary border controls in ‘exceptional circumstances'. Germany did so for example to prevent hooligans from travelling to the World Cup. The N-VA believes that mass migration must also fall under these exceptional circumstances. Belgium is now carrying out more stringent checks at Zaventem and Charleroi airports but not at other border posts. Furthermore, State Secretary Wathelet believes that it's the mayors’ responsibility to monitor refugees on their territories and to inform the competent authorities accordingly. In the first instance the N-VA calls for a humanitarian approach to the current refugee crisis. An extension of powers and resources for Frontex, the European Agency for managing operational cooperation at external borders of EU Member States can make this possible.

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