N-VA regrets new step towards a European superstate

12 February 2019

The European Parliament has voted in favour of a series of constitutional reports with which it wishes to impose even more European policy on the member states. The recommendations go much further than the powers that the member states have granted to the EU. “This is a new step towards a European superstate with ever more powers and budget. This runs counter to our vision in which Europe only focuses on matters with a clear benefit of scale and leaves policy close to the people to the member states,” says MEP Ralph Packet.

The parliament is opening the door to a uniform social policy throughout Europe, and the N-VA has always opposed that. According to Ralph Packet, the member states must remain fully competent for their social policy. “Social policy must be as close as possible to the people. The differences among the member states are too big to organise this efficiently in a democratic manner. Furthermore, we always take as our starting point the principle that you first have to contribute before you can make use of a Social security Social security is currently managed at the Federal level in Belgium. The most important pillars of Belgian social security are: sickness and invalidity insurance (NIDHI), pensions, unemployment insurance and child allowances. In addition, occupational illness, occupational accidents and annual holidays are dealt with at this level. Some Flemish parties have been campaigning for years for (large parts of) social security to be transferred to the Regions and Communities. social security system.”

European citizenship

The proposals of the Parliament go even further. Apart from social policy, they are also targeting European citizenship. In this way, the EU wants its finger in the pie when it comes to granting the nationality of a member state. “The idea cannot be that the EU decides who can get Belgian nationality and who can’t. That right may only be held by the member state itself,” says Ralph Packet.

Closer cooperation with federal states and regions

Nevertheless, there is one little ray of light. The report on closer cooperation specifically addresses federal states and regions. To be more precise, it says that they should be able to play a greater role in the fields of policy that fall under their competence. Parliaments of federal states will also be involved more. “That fits in with our vision of Europe, in which Flanders wants to cooperate more closely with the northern member states and with the Benelux countries,” Ralph Packet explains.

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