N-VA puts the Swedish legacy on the table in the Chamber

21 December 2018

In recent years, at the impetus of the N-VA, the Michel I government has followed a centre-right direction. It has achieved a great many excellent reforms, such as the reduction in corporate income tax, the reduction of Social security Social security is currently managed at the Federal level in Belgium. The most important pillars of Belgian social security are: sickness and invalidity insurance (NIDHI), pensions, unemployment insurance and child allowances. In addition, occupational illness, occupational accidents and annual holidays are dealt with at this level. Some Flemish parties have been campaigning for years for (large parts of) social security to be transferred to the Regions and Communities. social security contributions and the Tax shift There is a tax shift when a new tax is implemented or an existing tax is increased in order to reduce or get rid of another tax. The N-VA is a proponent of a shift of the burden on labour to that on consumption or environmental pollution, for example, but not of a tax that increases the total burden of taxation. tax shift . As a result, working and entrepreneurship became attractive again. Also with regard to security and migration, as a result of the expansion of the administrative implementation, strengthened whistle-blowing rules and the entry into residences, a great many promising measures have been placed in the pipeline that are awaiting implementation.

After the Marrakesh adventure, during which three government parties forced coalition partner N-VA to resign, the N-VA parliamentary group wishes to ensure that this Swedish legacy is not lost. The most recent Summer Agreement also belongs to the legacy of the Michel I government of course. The proposals that we are submitting in the Chamber are a translation of this. There was agreement for all these matters within the Michel I government. Now, the Chamber has to take over the initiative in view of the very tight room for manoeuvre that the government in current affairs Michel II has.

Making working and entrepreneurship more rewarding

For example, the tax measures agreed this summer are being put into a bill. The aim is to do away with the decline in pensions. In addition, the proposal seeks to stimulate employees more to fill vacancies within the shortage professions. Specifically, we are increasing the amount of overtime that can be recovered fiscally.

A second bill provides for a few technical adaptations to jobs for first-time employees as a result of which those jobs become even more attractive for employees and employers. There will among other things also be an obligation for employers to pay for outplacement for employees who are terminated as a result of medical force majeure.

The third bill concerns the reform of unemployment insurance regarding the degression of the benefits. Specifically we want to provide a higher benefit at the start of unemployment and then go down more quickly to a lower fixed amount afterwards.

Get rid of criminal businesses

Former Deputy Prime Minister Jan Jambon is submitting the draft of administrative implementation as a bill. That bill is intended to ensure that mayors can get rid of businesses that serve only as a front for criminal activities. To effectively enforce closures, mayors who close businesses administratively will also be able to place a seal on them and impose administrative penalty payments.

Strengthening whistle-blowing rules further

We are also submitting a bill to strengthen the whistle-blowing rules further. The bill focuses on a further fine-tuning of the definition of violation of integrity, offers former employees the ability to report violation of integrity and protects the persons of confidence (VPIs).

Entry into residences as a cornerstone of the repatriation policy

Theo Francken, among others, is submitting the bill regarding entry into residences. Entry into residences is an essential key in the repatriation element of the migration policy. The proposal, which achieved agreement no fewer than two times in the Michel I government, is intended to allow the police, following the authorisation of an examining magistrate, to enter residences in which persons residing illegally in the country might be living.

The N-VA shoulders its responsibility

“Deputy Prime Minister De Croo created the impression last week that a rule for provisional twelfths would lead to budgetary derailments. Nothing could be further from the truth. The technique of provisional twelfths even avoids the Michel II government celebrating the budgetary restraints in the period before elections. With regard to the implementation of the reform agenda, we hope that we can count on a good cooperation with our former coalition partners. The N-VA parliamentary group shoulders its responsibility in all respects,” the party concludes.

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