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N-VA bill for civic integration and language acquisition in the country of origin for candidate migrants voted down

Although several European Member States have been using this practice for years, and the Flemish Government also advocates it, the bill was voted down by the Vivaldi parties and PVDA-PTB. “Belgium is just about the laxest Member State of the entire European class when it comes to preparing candidate migrants for their arrival in our country,” say Theo Francken and Maaike De Vreese.
Theo Francken: “The Netherlands, France and Germany are doing it; why not Belgium?”
MP Theo Francken does not understand why what is done in our neighbouring countries is not possible in Belgium. “Belgium is just about the laxest Member State of the entire European class when it comes to preparing candidate migrants for their arrival in our country. For example, a non-European who wants to obtain a long-term residence permit in the Netherlands must first follow a basic course in Civic integration Flanders has a policy for civic integration. This is a guided and targeted form of social integration for people of foreign origin. The intention is that the newcomers are provided with a valuable place in society by including them instead of excluding them. Civic integration, which includes language lessons and civic integration courses, was brought about by the participation of the N-VA in the Flemish Government since 2004 and the appointment of a Minister for Civic Integration. civic integration and the Dutch language, which is provided remotely by the Dutch consulate, and also pass a basic test. In this way, these people will be better equipped at the start, and at the same time, the Dutch will avoid them falling into social isolation after arrival. France and Germany also offer such courses at their consulates, with Germany also requiring a binding language test. It is therefore a matter of common sense to apply these successful practices in Belgium as well, which is what we are trying to do with this bill. Unfortunately, common sense appears to be lacking among the governing parties once again today.”
Maaike De Vreese: “CD&V and Open Vld reject federally what they advocate in Flanders”
Flemish MP Maaike De Vreese thinks it is our government’s duty to help newcomers find their way in our society to the best possible extent. “And also in our language, so that they can participate fully in our economic, social and cultural life. We have been doing this in Flanders for many years now with the compulsory civic integration and language course after arrival, but you achieve so much more if you can strengthen people before their migration. The Dutch way of working, with practical manuals in the language of origin, coupled with a binding exam, produces excellent results. The Flemish Government wants to copy this Dutch model. It is therefore incomprehensible that our proposal to introduce this for Belgium as well should get no traction with the government parties. What the political parties CD&V and Open Vld advocate in the Flemish Parliament they vote down across the street in the House. Only one person is the victim of this political unwillingness: the candidate migrant.”
Slavish majority touches on the foundations of our democratic model
MP Theo Francken has little sympathy for the petty Vivaldi government attitude. “The cynical way in which the majority parties vote down a proposal that has long been established practice in all our neighbouring countries shows that my colleagues in the majority no longer engage in politics in a rational manner. Our bills are no longer considered on their merits, but are automatically collectively voted down, simply because they come from us. With this petty attitude, the House itself is abolishing its legislative relevance and degrading itself to a machine that slavishly approves the government’s bills. This may well warrant a thorough debate, because it touches on the foundations of our democratic model.”