N-VA against quota for female senior officials

21 February 2012

Secretary of State Bogaert is making the case for setting a quota for female senior officials - a kneejerk reaction on his part. First of all, quotas are prohibited by the European Court of Justice for both men and women. And secondly, quotas are degrading to women. On the other hand, the N-VA is in favour of positive action. The Secretary of State would do well to take a cue from Flemish Minister for Administrative Affairs Geert Bourgeois. For years now he has been pursuing a positive action policy which has already yielded strong results. On the one hand, efforts are made to promote the Flemish Government as a desirable employer to work for, both for women and for managerial positions. On the other hand, this policy also sets clear-cut targets, and senior officials are moreover made accountable for reaching these targets in their departments. This way, Bourgeois would like to see women occupy one third of all senior and middle management positions within the Flemish Government by 2015. According to the N-VA, a woman with competences should first and foremost enjoy equal opportunities. No less, and no more.

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