Minister Van der Straeten insists on green dogmas in the International Energy Agency as well

1 October 2021
Tinne Van der Straeten

Federal Minister of Energy Tinne Van der Straeten (Groen) had a recommendation of the International Energy Agency (IEA) that says that Belgium must prepare for extending the life of nuclear power plants deleted from a draft report. Flemish Minister of Energy Zuhal Demir denounced this deletion in a letter to the IEA. MP Bert Wollants is also raising his eyebrows at the way Minister van der Straeten has been handling the matter.

The fact that the Minister of Energy is now also going to impose her ideological dogmas in the International Energy Agency has raised MP Bert Wollants’ eyebrows. “That her coalition partners are supposed to simply swallow all that is beyond shameless. This minister, and the entire government with her, apparently swear by an outdated green bible and lack any kind of critical rationale in the debate.”

The International Energy Agency is not just proposing an extension of a number of nuclear power plants because it feels like doing so, Bert Wollants explains. “If they are doing it, they, like the N-VA, have more than good reasons for doing so. But apparently, no one is spared from the green thought police in this area.”

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