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Migrate to Flanders Starter Package
Flemish Minister for Civic integration Flanders has a policy for civic integration. This is a guided and targeted form of social integration for people of foreign origin. The intention is that the newcomers are provided with a valuable place in society by including them instead of excluding them. Civic integration, which includes language lessons and civic integration courses, was brought about by the participation of the N-VA in the Flemish Government since 2004 and the appointment of a Minister for Civic Integration. Civic Integration Geert Bourgeois introduced the “Migrate to Flanders Starter Package”. In this way, migrants who already have a visa can prepare for their stay in Flanders while still in their country of origin. They thus become familiar with the Flemish community and with the Dutch language. The starter package contains, among other things, a DVD with testimonials from family migrants and an informative brochure covering numerous topics such as standards and values, migration and integration, work, education and living in Belgium. A language manual and checklist of “must-have documents” round off the package, which is offered free of charge. The Flemish Government wants to reach, in particular, third country nationals who come to Flanders within the scope of forming a family or family reunification. We notice all too often that these people migrate without being prepared, which is the reason why civic integration must start way under par. They must participate in a more extensive civic integration project as soon as they are here. Because of the experimental nature of the project, the prime focus is on the countries with the highest influx of immigrants in Flanders: Turkey, Morocco and Russia.