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Maaike De Vreese calls for European action against Spain’s illegal migration policy

MP Maaike De Vreese urged Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration Nicole de Moor (cd&v) to take action against the Spanish government’s planned large-scale regularisation of illegal immigrants. De Vreese calls Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez’s measure disloyal and illegal and urged de Moor to intervene both bilaterally and at the European level. Secretary of State de Moor will raise the issue (informally) with the Spanish Minister of Migration at the European Justice and Home Affairs Council.
Human trafficking must not be rewarded
The socialist government in Spain announced that each year in 2025, 2026 and 2027, it will regularise 300,000 people residing there illegally. According to De Vreese, this concerns people who entered the Schengen area illegally or who have overstayed their residence permits. “The Spanish government is sending completely the wrong signal with this decision,” says De Vreese. “Illegal entry through human trafficking must not be rewarded with legal residence. In doing this, Spain is not only undermining its own obligations within the Schengen area, but is also creating a pull factor that will harm all other Member States.”
Free circulation in Schengen area
De Vreese points out that the residence permits issued by Spain also give the right to free circulation within the Schengen area. “This could lead to additional pressure on countries such as Belgium, as migrants move on after regularisation and possibly submit new asylum applications.”
A European approach
During a previous committee meeting, de Moor stated that she would contact her Spanish counterpart about this. However, Maaike De Vreese believes that bilateral consultations are insufficient. “This problem requires a European approach. The Secretary of State must raise this issue in the European Council and the European Commission. Spain must be reminded of its obligations within the Schengen area.”