Jan Jambon expresses support for ousted Catalan President Quim Torra

5 October 2020
Jan Jambon & Quim Torra

“Politics is conducted through dialogue and consultation, not by expelling politicians from office or locking them up.” Flemish Minister-President Jan Jambon responds in a statement on the forced dismissal of his Catalan counterpart Quim Torra. The Spanish Supreme Court removed Quim Torra from office a year and a half ago. The reason is Quim Torra’s refusal to have a banner in support of Catalan political prisoners removed from the Palau de la Generalitat, the seat of the Catalan government.

Quim Torra is not allowed to stand for election for a year and a half and may not exercise a political mandate. Concretely, the conviction amounts to the removal of Quim Torra as Catalan government leader. If no new president is appointed in two months, new elections may follow in Catalonia.

Freedom of expression is a basic right

In a reaction, Flemish Minister-President Jan Jambon regrets the dismissal of Quim Torra. Jan Jambon is following the resolution adopted by the Flemish Parliament in October last year, which calls for political dialogue. “Freedom of expression is a basic right and in line with our European values. As Flemish Minister-President, I wish to express my support for my good friend and politician Quim Torra,” Jan Jambon says in an official announcement.

Jan Jambon’s full response to the dismissal of Catalan President Quim Torra:

“President Quim Torra, my colleague and democratically elected President of Catalonia, was forced to stand down by the Spanish court. The reason was that he hung up a banner in protest against the imprisonment of politicians and leaders of civil society. Quim Torra invokes his right to freedom of expression to denounce the imprisonment. “Freedom of expression is a basic right and in line with our European values. As Flemish Minister-President, I wish to express my support for my good friend and politician Quim Torra. Politics is conducted through dialogue and consultation, not by expelling politicians from office or locking them up.”

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