Jan Jambon appeals to Flemings’ sense of responsibility

7 May 2020
Jan Jambon

“You have to put everything into perspective.” On Wednesday 6 May, the National Security Council relaxed the measures to mitigate the coronavirus crisis. For example, from 10 May we can have four people visit us at home, and shops will open on 11 May. Flemish Minister-President Jan Jambon clarified the relaxation on VTM News. “I am appealing to people’s sense of responsibility.”

Social easing

We can have four people visit us at home from Mother’s Day. Families will thus have to make choices. Jan Jambon understands the difficulty. “I think my father can hardly wait to see the four generations together, too, because the fourth generation has just been born.” Jan Jambon points out that social easing was necessary: “We looked into what was possible. Doing nothing at all, even on Mother’s Day, is even more difficult.”

Persevere and respect the measures

Jan Jambon is asking Flemings to persevere and to respect the measures: “I am appealing to people’s sense of responsibility. If we start to violate this restriction on a large scale, then we will see the curve take quite a turn for the worse within a few weeks. Then we will have to make the annoying decision to return to those measures. I don’t think anyone wants that.”


The criticism that little has been eased is refuted by Jan Jambon: “You have to put everything into perspective. The shops are opening, and the markets will follow a week later. We’re going back to letting four people get together. Much has been relaxed.”

More information on the coronavirus and the measures can be found at https://www.info-coronavirus.be/

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