Geert Bourgeois concerned about censorship on social media: “Free speech must be the starting point”

13 January 2021

“I am extremely concerned about our freedom of speech.” MEP Geert Bourgeois gave an explanation of his opinion piece about free speech in the De Tijd newspaper in the De Ochtend radio show on Radio 1. Geert Bourgeois sees how social media platforms act at their own discretion to silence people. “I fear we are on a slippery slope.”

Free speech as a basic principle

Geert Bourgeois looks to Europe, among others, to protect the freedom of speech. “Freedom of speech must be the starting point. No censorship. In its digital services law, the EU goes no further than mere lip service.”

Letterboxes of the 21st century

Geert Bourgeois advocates approaching social media as a universal service like utilities. “Online platforms are the letterboxes of the 21st century. We must impose a universal service obligation on them as we do with other private companies, where we say that they must be open to everyone.”

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