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Geert Bourgeois: “A resilient European Union is a historic turning point; caution remains necessary”

Not only has the European Union imposed severe sanctions on Russia in recent days, but it will also fund arms for Ukraine. MEP Geert Bourgeois also thinks this is ground-breaking. “But this ultimately concerns a neighbour of ours being brutally attacked and fighting for freedom and democracy.” Yet Geert Bourgeois also warns against rash steps and statements. “‘Rapid’ accession of Ukraine to the EU is actually not possible and seems to me more like a leftist liberal empty promise.”
“It is a particularly severe crisis that we had no longer expected since the fall of the Wall. You do notice that there is very broad support within the Union for the measures that are now being taken. These will not be without consequences - for energy prices and Inflation The increase in the general price level. The original meaning (literally “to blow up”) is monetary inflation, which means that the amount of money increases. Today, inflation primarily refers to price inflation. This means an implicit monetary depreciation. This causes the purchasing power to drop. inflation - but we must show solidarity there too. If necessary, we must use the EU’s emergency fund,” Geert Bourgeois says.
Leftist liberal empty promises
The announcements of measures follow one another. “We don’t have to be congratulated, but we can certainly be transparent. Yet we must also be cautious. Putin will use any pretext to escalate the war.” That is why Geert Bourgeois says “rapid” accession of Ukraine to the EU is not a good signal. “Such a fast-track procedure simply does not exist. It seems more like yet another leftist liberal empty promise to me. Of course, we must offer Ukraine a long-term perspective. There are also intermediate steps, such as entering the customs union. But becoming a member of the EU is a long process, with numerous conditions regarding democracy, stability, the rule of law, etc. We cannot simply sweep that away.”
EU army
Geert Bourgeois wonders about the voices that are calling for the EU to have its own army. “It is crucial that there is more coordination and cooperation in that area, with a common approach and perhaps even a rapid reaction force. But that must still always be done under the umbrella of NATO,” Geert Bourgeois says.
Historical turning point
In any case, the Ukraine crisis is leading to a historical turning point. “Just look at Germany, which is suddenly going to invest billions of euros in its defence and even supply weapons.” There is also the new understanding that we must move away from our considerable dependence on Russian gas. “We will have to diversify. The preservation of nuclear energy plays a huge role in this,” Geert Bourgeois concludes.