Flemish minister Muyters reforms doping policy

3 March 2011

Flemish minister for Sports Philippe Muyters has presented the reform of the whereabouts rules to the Flemish Parliament. The new rules are intended to enable authorities to carry out drugs testing outside of competitions. The new system is as effective as the previous one but the fact that it is divided up into various categories makes it much more client-friendly and logical. According to minister Muyters “For me, the basic idea continues to be very clear: doping can never be tolerated and drugs testing authorities must be able to do their work as effectively as possible. However, the idea is also of course that we cannot make athletes’ lives impossible. Our new system is justifiable towards every party involved and it also complies with the rules of the World Anti Doping Association (WADA).” Moreover, minister Muyters was successful in convincing his colleagues from the French and German-speaking communities and Brussels to rally around this new system. WADA also expressed its approval of this reform in a letter sent to minister Muyters.

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