Flanders prompts older unemployed persons to find work

14 January 2011

The Flemish government and the Flemish social partners have reached an agreement whereby the coaching of unemployed persons above 50 years of age by the VDAB The Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding (VDAB, Flemish Public Employment and Professional Training Service) is a Flemish public service that coordinates supply and demand in the employment market, with its main task consisting of serving as an intermediary for job seekers and providing them with support in getting back to work. Since the State reform in 1989, job placement has been a competence of the Regions and job training a competence of the Communities. The VDAB’s counterpart in Wallonia is Forem, and Actiris in Brussels. VDAB (Flemish employment office) will be expanded to include higher age groups. A systematic approach for people aged 50-52 had already been in place since March 2009, and it is now being broadened to cover job-seekers aged up to 58. In addition, the coaching will now focus more on the individual person’s skills and the training offer will be better matched with the needs of the target group. “For example, in actual practice we see that people over 50 are often no longer sufficiently motivated to follow training courses” explained Flemish Minister of Employment, Philippe Muyters (N-VA). “I can imagine that for them it is an extremely unpleasant thought to have to take part in a traditional training course surrounded only by young people. Therefore, we have to offer an alternative solution, like for example short refresher courses or learning at home with outside assistance.” Flanders has had an excessively low level of employment among older workers for many years and with this agreement the Flemish government is facing up to its responsibilities in getting these persons back into the labour force.

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