Finally a European strategy for cyber security

12 March 2019

There will finally be a real European strategy for cyber security thanks to the approval of a series of legislative proposals by the European Parliament, including the Cybersecurity Act. The recurring theme is a homogeneous tackling of cyber risks and extra investments in data security. MEP Ralph Packet reacts positively: “The protection of our digital data is crucial in a world in which technological developments happen at a rapid pace. Cyber security is becoming ever more important and it supersedes the level of the member states. If Europe were not to provide added value in this area, where else would it?”

Wider task package

The European Cyber Security Agency is getting a wider task package as a result of this new legislation. Technological and strategic interference by other power blocks such as China is a real problem. Ralph Packet is pleased that the EU is not minimising these risks. “Foreign telecom companies are gaining market share here and research shows that our companies are not equipped against cyber risks. We must ensure that the necessary investments take place throughout all of Europe, and that all member states implement the measures well in the interest of the European consumer. I call on the member states, including Belgium too, to take more measures in addition to these. The conversion of existing European directives on the fight against cyber attacks is happening much too slowly in Belgium and a shortage of experts is affecting us adversely. Belgium is lagging behind.”

Cybersecurity Act: a European framework for cybersecurity certificates

There will also be a voluntary European certification of services and products to guarantee cyber security. In this way, users will receive more information about the security of the products and services that they buy. “It is good that the certification of goods and services is not being imposed by the government but that they are voluntary agreements between the various actors involved from the industry and the government. In this way we remain focused on innovation and we avoid endless administrative procedures that can slow down our technological development. Companies, experts and governments will together decide the standards that are necessary to protect the data of the European citizen,” Ralph Packet concludes.

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