Facebook campaign advises transmigrants not to come to Belgium

30 October 2018

“Don’t come to Belgium.” Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration Theo Francken is launching a campaign on Facebook that advises transmigrants not to travel to the United Kingdom via Belgium. As soon as transmigrants enter Europe, they automatically get a banner at the top of their Facebook timeline deterring them from coming to Belgium. “The message gets an enormous number of views, so we can already say that it is a success in terms of reach,” says Secretary of State Theo Francken.

Nine-point plan

The determent campaign is part of the nine-point plan that Theo Francken and Minister of the Interior Jan Jambon set up in September. With that plan, they want to make it clear to the transmigrants that it is not worth coming to Belgium in the hope of getting in to the United Kingdom from that country. Read the other actions in the nine-point plan here.

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