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European Disability Card launched

Federal State Secretary Elke Sleurs has added her signature to a protocol agreement for the creation of a European Disability Card in Belgium. The card enables persons with a disability to show that they are recognised as such in Belgium. As a result, they will be eligible in all participating countries of the EU for specific entrance prices or other benefits in areas such as culture, leisure and sport. “This card will contribute to a more inclusive Europe,” Elke Sleurs says.
“In participating countries, persons with a disability will be able to show very easily and without discomfort or loss of dignity that they have a disability,” the State Secretary for Persons with a Disability explains. “They will be able to enjoy, without arguments at entrance gates, specific benefits for certain cultural or sporting events for example.” The actual implementation of the project is a regionalised matter. The Belgian participation in the project is therefore a cooperation among the five Ministers in this country who have responsibility for the area.
Start-up phase
Belgium is one of the eight countries that is currently already taking part in this European project. For this purpose it receives a European subsidy of over 170,000 euros. The FPS Social Security is tasked with the financial management of the project. “The start-up phase runs until July of next year. A kick-off event is planned in the spring to inform citizens of the existence of this new card. Civil society and user organisations will be included in this process,” Elke Sleurs concludes.