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Europe invests 120 billion euros in ground-breaking research

“Every euro that goes to European research yields eleven euros of economic added value.” MEP Anneleen Van Bossuyt welcomes the new European research programme, for which the European Parliament is releasing 120 billion euros. As from 2021, the Horizon Europe programme will give support to European universities and companies that cooperate across national borders. The focus is on security, climate and economy.
Good for Flanders
For Flemish companies and universities, the new research programme is good news. “UGent, KULeuven and IMEC are the largest recipients of resources from this programme. By working together with other countries, we prevent the same research from being carried out multiple times. A saving that can soon add up,” believes Anneleen Van Bossuyt.
Ambitious climate research
A quarter of the resources is earmarked for climate research. “Often it will be a case of ground-breaking research, such as research into ultra-strong and light graphene, which can yield lighter vehicles that consume considerably less. They are very ambitious projects, but they are crucial for our society and competitive position,” says MEP Anneleen Van Bossuyt.
Emphasis on security
One new factor is the emphasis on security, which came about at the express request of Anneleen Van Bossuyt: “For the first time, a programme is also being started up for defence research. We still see much too great of a fragmentation among the member states. This situation can and indeed must be improved in the interests of the security of our citizens and military personnel.”
European knowledge on the map
Anneleen Van Bossuyt emphasises the importance of fundamental research for future generations. “National research budgets often cannot support this. This ground-breaking research can count on over a quarter of the available resources. It will, for example, be used to shape the medicines or green fuels of the future. The result may not be for tomorrow, but with this programme, our brilliant researchers and innovative companies will put our European knowledge on the map,” she concludes.