Better regulations keep jobs and companies in Europe

12 April 2016
Better regulations keep jobs and companies in Europe

The European Parliament has approved Anneleen Van Bossuyt’s report on better regulations in the internal market. “Better regulations benefit citizens as well as companies,” the member of European Parliament explains. “Therefore it is a crucial report for the pursuit of a competitive regulatory environment that must keep jobs and companies in Europe.”

The European Union goes from one crisis to another, which persistently erodes its support among the population. “In this context it is imperative t that Europe proves its relevance. Sadly enough, Europe primarily attempts to do this through the - often unnecessary - generation of rules. Often its urge to legislate not only leads to poor rules, but at the same time ensures many misunderstandings and uncertainties among consumers and companies.”

In her report, Anneleen Van Bossuyt therefore explicitly states that European action is only justified if it is relevant. “If you make rules, then do it at the most appropriate policy level. Make them simple, make them easy to apply, and ensure that they stimulate rather than frustrate. Such an approach clears the way for better consumer protection and for an efficient internal market: an internal market that does not excessively burden or impede production, innovation and trade will lead to more growth and jobs,” according to Anneleen Van Bossuyt.

Withdrawing legislation

In addition, Anneleen Van Bossuyt pleads for a bigger role for national parliaments in the European regulatory process and focuses on correct implementation of rules and their regular assessment. “We must also be able to withdraw legislation that receives a negative assessment,” she concludes.

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