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Bart De Wever: “Ready to take responsibility, but only if real action is taken”

On Saturday evening, more than 5,000 N-VA members kicked off the new year at the party’s annual New Year’s celebration in Mechelen. Before guest DJ Cieltje Van Achter opened the dance floor, party chairman Bart De Wever reflected on the past election year and briefly touched on the ongoing federal government formation. “Bold measures are needed to secure our prosperity, both in the short and long term. Let me be honest with you: the challenge ahead is monumental.”
De Wever looked back with satisfaction on an election year that saw the N-VA defy expectations and remain the country’s largest party, both nationally and locally. “Do you remember what I said at our widely attended congress in May 2023? I called on you with Shakespeare’s words: ‘Once more unto the breach!’ And with your support, we went into battle, day after day. We told the people of Flanders the hard truth about what needs to be done to safeguard their prosperity. Meanwhile, the Vivaldi coalition denied reality, and extremists promised heaven on earth with magical solutions. And standing in between was the N-VA.”
Courageous decisions needed across the board
De Wever acknowledged that a new federal government had not yet materialized by Christmas, but he pointed to the formation of a new Flemish government with a clear N-VA imprint. “In Flanders, things are going well, and we aim to make them even better in the coming years. But we all know that our prosperity is under serious threat due to mismanagement and fiscal chaos at the federal level. Sweeping reforms are necessary, and bold decisions must finally be made on multiple fronts.”
A daunting challenge ahead
As formateur, De Wever refrained from discussing the federal negotiations in detail. “But I won’t sugarcoat the reality: the challenge we face is enormous. This country is in very bad shape.” He cited poor energy management, a consistently inadequate European migration policy, and a catastrophic federal budget deficit as key issues.
It is time to change course, De Wever stressed. “Bold measures are essential to safeguard our prosperity in both the short and long term. Let me be frank: the mountain we have to climb is of the highest category.”
Why take on the challenge?
De Wever then asked a rhetorical question: why should the N-VA take on this responsibility? “Haven’t we always been good stewards wherever we’ve governed? We’re not to blame for the total fiscal meltdown under Vivaldi. So why should we now have to drink from this bitter cup?”
Quoting former U.S. President Lincoln, he added: “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. Belgium’s ailments won’t be cured by looking the other way and naively hoping everything will somehow fix itself when the alarm clock rings.”
De Wever made it clear he has no intention of becoming a powerless figurehead in the prime minister’s office. “We are fully prepared to take responsibility, but only if what needs to be done is truly carried out. Because that’s what we owe ourselves and future generations. For Flemish prosperity, and pour une Wallonie prospère.”