Bart De Wever at the N-VA New Year’s party: “It’s about doing everything we can. We must seize our opportunity now”

13 January 2024

In a yet again densely packed Nekkerhal in Mechelen, the N-VA kicked off the new year with what has now become the political party of the year: the N-VA New Year’s reception. Thousands of members and supporters enjoyed entertainment and fun, with musical accompaniment from DJ Sven Ornelis, among others. Before the festivities started, chairman Bart De Wever introduced all the political leaders for 9 June, and he looked ahead to the important election year in his speech. “We will have to do everything we can. To keep Flanders on the right course and to stop the PS party’s looting.”

“We will not get anything for free,” De Wever said in his speech. “It’s uphill cycling like true ‘Flandriens’, but with everyone’s efforts, we can cross the finish line first and remain the largest party in Flanders. That way, we can keep to the right course in Flanders: with a healthy budget, a policy for Flemish people who work, save and do business, with healthcare for those who need it, with excellent education and a healthy environment.”


According to De Wever, a strong N-VA must also be able to achieve the transition at the federal level. “Because we have reached the bottom, with the highest taxes on labour, the largest growth in debt, with the worst budget and the highest government spending. In the meantime, we are sinking into the migration swamp. Not a single much-needed reform was implemented.”

Mind-boggling PS party discourse

Can it get any worse? “Certainly, if you read the PS party’s mind-boggling discourse. Sanction unemployed people who refuse jobs? That is totally irresponsible and pointless. Illegal aliens? Just give them all access to Social security Social security is currently managed at the Federal level in Belgium. The most important pillars of Belgian social security are: sickness and invalidity insurance (NIDHI), pensions, unemployment insurance and child allowances. In addition, occupational illness, occupational accidents and annual holidays are dealt with at this level. Some Flemish parties have been campaigning for years for (large parts of) social security to be transferred to the Regions and Communities. social security . The disastrous budget? No problem. Economic growth? That’s not necessary; just distribute the existing wealth. As long as there is still one euro in a Flemish savings account, the PS party will try to cling to the status quo,” says De Wever.

Dreaming aloud of a Vivaldi II government

“Will the Flemish Vivaldi parties continue to accept that?” De Wever wondered. “I therefore ask the CD&V and Open Vld parties in particular whether they want to continue selling the interests of their voters in exchange for ministerial posts. Or will they promise never to enter a federal government with a Flemish minority again. In vain, I think. They dream aloud about a Vivaldi II government and about an extended stay at Wetstraat 16.”

The time is right

De Wevers’ conclusion is thus clear: only a strong N-VA can stop the rot; only a strong N-VA can stop the PS party’s looting; only a strong N-VA can push through the transition to Confederalism If we want to make structural changes, then we have to change the structures. Confederalism is the structural change that this country needs. The basic principle of confederalism is that Flanders and Wallonia are the owners of all powers. They exercise these themselves, but can also make decisions together and manage certain powers together at the confederal level, in both of their interests. This completely reverses the logic. Instead of transferring federal powers to Flanders and Wallonia, these powers can be transferred to the confederal level. Forced cooperation is replaced by voluntary cooperation. Must becomes will. Dismantling from above becomes building up from below. Confederalism is therefore deciding together on what we want to do together. confederalism to restore democracy and safeguard our Flemish prosperity. “No one else will do it. We have to do it. And so we must seize our opportunity now. It is time, and the time is right.”

“We will do everything we can to finally bring this country to a transition. To do this, the N-VA must be the leading force of the north. And if we succeed, if we gain that confidence, then I want to take the lead. Not because it is my burning personal ambition. But because my heart beats for what yours beats for: for Flanders and for prosperity!”

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