A sad first: Belgian asylum service gets a sentence of confiscation for mismanagement

20 January 2023
Theo Francken

Secretary of State de Moor’s house of cards is collapsing completely now that her asylum service Fedasil has been sentenced this week by the judge of attachments to forfeit hundreds of thousands of euros. After all, the numerous penalties she incurred for her mismanagement of the asylum department must be paid. That is the judgement of the judges.

“This is the very first time in 80 years of asylum policy. Belgium breaks every record low. The de Croo government’s ‘Wir schaffen das’ (‘We can do this’) welcome policy has completely failed. It is time for a paradigm shift. We must take the asylum procedure outside the European Union. Western countries such as Australia, Denmark, the UK and Italy have seen the light. When will the light finally be seen in Belgium?” MP Theo Francken wonders.

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